August Debrief



Finally we come to the end of this marathon month.  We survived all the crap that was thrown at us and are in great shape to go into September.

Please watch my video and study the chart to see what happened and how solid, responsible, and disciplined our trader really is.  


The red arrow indicates where he got out of the long position he was in.  What would you have done?

His alert system told him we were going long but he was 7 minutes early.  This happens all the time and often the trade is successful.  Today it wasn’t, but the trader followed his rules and got out to keep us safe.

WHITE HAT ZONE - August 2024

+2.16% - 1st August
+2.39% - 2nd August
+4.55% = First Week August

+3.56% - 5th August
+3.56% - 6th August
+3.09% - 7th August
-6.36% - 8th August
+1.65% - 9th August
+5.50% = Second Week August

+2.26% = 12th August
-7.28% = 13th August
+3.28% = 14th August
+4.39% = 15th August
-9.70% = 16th August

+1.26% = 19th August
-10.60% = 20th August
+1.12% = 21th August
+1,25% = 22th August
+1.47% = 23rd August
-3.94% = 26th August
+1.65% = 27th August
+0.60% = 28th August
+2.16% = 29th August
-4.0% = 30th August

August Month:

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