End of Week Update and Debrief 08/30/2024



As we approach the end of August and possibly our most difficult month in trading, I wanted to send you a message of inspiration and factual details.

August can be the worst month of the year to trade and yet even with outside interference we are approaching the end of the month with potentially a break even or small profit scenario.  That usually would be nothing to write home about, but when you compare that to the massive losses suffered by other trading groups this month, it is a great place to be.

We did 18% profit in July and may break even in August, setting us up for a great September and awesome run to the end of the year.  The new trader will be joining us soon and I will make that announcement and introduction soon as everything is agreed to.

Thank you for being here with me, for sticking it out with me.  Even when things don't go exactly as expected, you can rest assured I am doing everything in my power and influence to keep you safe and profitable.

Our groups will be smaller and more concentrated going forward as a result of all the security we have had to install, but all that is a net positive as well.

Watch my video now. 

May you be inspired in everything you do.

WHITE HAT ZONE - August 2024

+2.16% - 1st August
+2.39% - 2nd August
+4.55% = First Week August

+3.56% - 5th August
+3.56% - 6th August
+3.09% - 7th August
-6.36% - 8th August
+1.65% - 9th August
+5.50% = Second Week August

+2.26% = 12th August
-7.28% = 13th August
+3.28% = 14th August
+4.39% = 15th August
-9.70% = 16th August

+1.26% = 19th August
-10.60% = 20th August
+1.12% = 21th August
+1,25% = 22th August
+1.47% = 23rd August
-3.94% = 26th August
+1.65% = 27th August

August Monthly partial:

Still 3 days of trading in August.

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